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Botrychum lunaria (L )Sw.
(lat. lunaria = mondförmig)

"Many say / this little herb increases and decreases with the moon / thus / as many days as the month is old / as differently notched leafs the herbs will bring forth. A lot of mischief is played with this plant / especially among alchemists."

Tabernaemontanus (1625): Kreuterbuch (Book on Herbs).

Picture, above:
Blackwell, Elizabeth (1750-1773): Herbarium Blackwellianum emendatum et auctum [...]. Norimbergae : Typis Io. Iosephi Fleischmanni. [Ausschnitt].
© 1995-2003 Missouri Botanical Garden, Rare Books.

Picture, below:
Theodor, Jacob "Tabernaemontanus" (1625): Kreuterbuch. Herausgegeben durch Caspar Bauhin [Ausschnitt, verändert] ©, R Fischbacher

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