musician, composer, performer born in Basel, Switzerland
Basel 1974-81 M.I.T. Musik Interaktion Trio (1978-80) Knut Remond drums, Felix Bopp piano, Alfred Zimmerlin violoncello, Alex Buess alto sax mixt media (1979-81) Percussionist and performer in the ensemble for contemporary music "mixt media" Director: Hans Wüthrich-Mathez Zeichen und Signale (1981) "Signs and Signals" Paris
19 Métro stations with xylophone: A network of interconnection, I
interweave myself by the portable xylophone with the urban macrocosm of
sounds Berlin 1981-85 Cooperation with F.M.P. - Free Music Production Berlin, musicians of West and East Berlin pere ubu orchestra (1982-84) Foundation of "pere ubu orchestra", musicians from Germany, England and Switzerland Studies of non-European music at the Ethnologisches Seminar Berlin, main focus: african, arabian and japanese music
Cooperation with J.Ch.Ammann, curator Kunsthalle Basel: promotion
of contemporary music in the Kunsthalle (I invited Polyphonie Zürich,
Stephan Wittwer electr.guit., Ernst Thoma synt., Alfred Zimmerlin
violoncello, Andres Bosshard tape machinery) Zürich 1982-92 Cooperation with the Swiss electronician, musician and composer Ernst Thoma TV-TOTEM (1982-88) Knut Remond percussion and electronics, Ernst Thoma synthesizer, live electronics Cooperation with KOPROD Zürich, multimedia community of studios and production, factory premises Seebach KOPROD: research, experimentations, audio-visual installations, live performance and dance UX UnknownmiX (1983-86) Audiovisual concept: Knut Remond percussion, Ernst Thoma synthesizer, Magda Vogel voice, Hans-Rudolf Lutz visual 1986 sgrant by the Kanton Zürich 16/17 (1983-94) Knut Remond drums, Alex Buess alto sax, Markus Kneubühler electr.guitar Cooperation with the Swiss musician and composer Alex Buess: The idea: to work out a joint composition Menschenhauttrommel (1985) Composition on tape for live radio play and live performance. Knut Remond electronically controlled skins, Alex Buess blown live electronics First performance Kulturwerkstatt Kaserne Basel, and live Radio LoRa Zürich Cooperation with the Swiss performer Peter Trachsel KHWECKIRILIT I, II and III (1984/85) Khweckirilit I: Kunsthaus Aarau, Vision and Utopia Khweckirilit II: organized by Fri-Art Fribourg, performance with suitcase-drums at Franklin Furnace Gallery New York City Khweckirilit III: by invitation of the Architekturfachklasse Muttenz Untitled (1986) Composition, installation and performance for Big Tape Loop with live electronics Shedhalle Zürich Cooperation with the German composer Hans Joachim Hespos Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde (1986) Percussionist and performer in the opera "Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde"by H. J. Hespos Premiere Frankfurter Oper Cooperation with Hasena Institut für den fliessenden Kunstverkehr Zürich Hausmusik Sinfonia in 10 Sätzen (Hasena and Aquasana): Performances in private flats at 10 different towns in Switzerland Cooperation with the Swiss painter and performer Markus Häberli Vund (1987) Vund is the 3rd movement "Hausmusik Sinfonia in 10 Sätzen" Knut Remond and Markus Häberli, flat of Guy u. Gaby Bettini via b.rusca 1 Locarno 9.4.87 Score-diagram by Knut Remond What happened behind my back (1987) Performance and live electronics for metal splinters, prepared voice and tapeSchloss Haldenstein Chur Triptychon (1987) Composition for 6 kettle drums and 2 timpanists, first performed at Parco di Orselina Locarno (GSAMBA Ticino) Drum House (1988) Installation and performance, Gallery Binz39 Zürich Zürich/St.Gallen 1988 Voice Crack (1988-97) Knut Remond: big drum, imagineering portable set. Norbert Möslang, Andy Guhl: cracked everyday-electronics
Foundation of the label v records, i.a. joint publications with
the label Uhlang Produktion - St.Gallen, Norbert Möslang, Andy Guhl,
and Agaric Records - New York, Jim Sauter Kick that Habit (1989) Film by Peter Liechti Featuring Knut Remond
"Draht", a steel string, tightened across the factory building and
with pick-ups fixed on. With a special bow-like electronical device I
developed on the spot.With Norbert Möslang and Andy Guhl Kulturfabrik Kammgarn Schaffhausen Monumente Moment (1989) Installation und performance Richard Wagner "Ring des Nibelungen" Knut Remond turntable and sampler, Markus Häberli shredding machine and speaking voice Kulturfabrik Kammgarn Schaffhausen Montréal/Canada 1989-90 Menschenhauttrommel Composition on tape with electroacoustic rattle and diverse tape fragments. Live, Radio McGill Montréal 1989 Powerplay (1990) Installation und performance in cooperation with Gallery Occurrence and Kaboum Video Productions Montréal Untitled (1986) Installation and performance for Big Tape Loop with live electronics, Gallery SKOL Montréal 1990 Studies of non-european music, main focus: Native Americans, Université de Montréal Zürich/St.Gallen/ New York 1991-92 COSMICS Project of a composition for sound carrier Cosmics Vol.1 (1991) Maxi-Single Zeichen und Signale Fragments of Zeichen und Signale played on an old Swiss military drum (Tambour) A double performance with two actions of Roman Signer Kunst Kiosk St.Gallen 1991 1'136'073'600 sec. (4.7.1992) Performance for big drum and electroacoustic rattle (Kunstszene 91+92 part II) in the shut down pedestrian subway Escher-Wyss-Platz Zürich Feuerlein ist vorbei, Geistlein tanzt herbei (1992) Installation Material: coal (old fireplace), white chalk and texts EKG "Experiment Kunst Gesellschaft" Kulturfabrik Wetzikon Voice Crack + Borbetomagus (New York) (1991-97) Knut Remond (Big drum, imagineering portable set), Norbert Möslang, Andy Guhl (cracked everyday electronics) Jim Sauter, Don Dietrich (div. saxophones and electronics), Donald Miller (prepared electr.guitar) Binn / Binn Valley / Valais 1992 COSMICS Intensive research and experimentations with techniques of composition of electroacoustic and computer music Cooperation with the Swiss film director Peter Liechti Signers Koffer (1995) Film by Peter Liechti about Roman Signer, action artist Music composed by Knut Remond Metaphysische Montagen (1995) Thoughts, "texts" on a compositional way of processing of electroacoustic music Cosmics Vol.2 cowmeditation Lectures at Binn/Binntal, organization with Jörg Lenzlinger. Lecturers were people from art, engineering and science, 1995 Noises and the Spirits (1995) Lecture (at Binn) about my work with cowmeditation , texts from Metaphysische Montagen cowmeditation , cosmics vol.2 (1996)
Composition for sound-carrier for violin, viola, violoncello,
double-bass, bass clarinet, bass flute, piccolo, harpsichord, big drum,
wind machine, metal chain, handcymbals, cowbells OU SONT LES IROQUOIS? WHERE ARE THE IROQUOIS? (1999)
Installation and performance at Kaskadenkondensator/Warteck
Basel,within the context of "revenir de Montréal-back from Montreal" d e e p structure, cosmics vol. 3 (1999) For soprano - 12 fragments of text from Jenny Holzer "Writing/Schriften" - and electronics. Soprano: Kornelia Bruggmann From 2003 Performances with Francisca Näf Vosnjak Performance in the closed underpass for pedestrians Escher-Wyss-Platz, Zürich 23. Okt.1999: -"La fabbrica illuminata"per soprano e nastro magnetico (1964), Luigi Nono -"d e e p structure", Knut Remond (Première) Soprano: Kornelia Bruggmann Long-term work: "Marriage of Heaven and Hell" for Tape, Soprano, Baritone and two Stilt Dancers Inspired by William Blake Performing project 2005 mineral mine Lengenbach, Binn Valley, Valais, Switzerland Festivals: Total Music Meeting (Berlin) Schweiz. Tonkünstlerverein (Zofingen) Jazz Festival Willisau Z.K.M. Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe Transart Communication Nové Zamky (Slowakei) Jazz Festival Schaffhausen Festival International de Musique Actuelle de Victoriaville (Canada) Ton Art Kunstmuseum Bern | | | | | | |